Thanks to a huge pack of Central Illinois disc huckin' dawgs, we're happy to list the top 100 sales of new discs of 2024. (This does not include USED discs) The list has some surprises!
These include sales from both stores' customers. This list includes sales from not only our Central Illinois players but also those visiting from many states.
We're very grateful to the many Central Illinois Disc Golf Clubs who get the work done on the courses, run so many excellent events, and support the training of the next generations of disc golfers. We're also grateful for everything Ledgestone brings to the community. Without all of these people, there would be no list. Thank you!
We made one small change with this list. It may be a bit bogus, but to save time we combined a few molds, like a Zone and a Zone OS as example. Sorry for the loss of purity!
Rank Mold Company
1 Buzzz Discraft
2 Pixel MVP
3 Crave Axiom
4 Envy Axiom
5 Destroyer Innova
6 Glitch MVP
7 Gorgon Innova
8 Hex MVP
Zone MVP
10 Wizard Gateway
11 TimeLapse MVP
12 Wraith Innova
13 Trail MVP
14 Proxy MVP
15 Aviar Innova
16 Insanity MVP
17 Berg Kastaplast
18 Pyro Axiom
19 Leopard 3 Innova
20 Wave MVP
21 Detour MVP
22 Nuke Discraft
Valkyrie Innova
24 Rollo Innova
25 Beast Innova
26 Cicada Discraft
27 Tesla MVP
28 Tern Innova
29 Fireball AxiomMVP
Mamba Innova
31 Firebird Innova
32 Roadrunner Innova
33 Atom MVP
34 Boss Innova
Luna Discraft
Mako3 Innova
Sidewinder Innova
38 Thunderbird Innova
39 TL3 Innova
40 PA-3 Prodigy
Watt MVP
42 Reactor MVP
River Lat 64
Roc 3 Innova
Venom Discraft
46 Entropy MVP
Lift Streamline
Photon MVP
Rhythm MVP
Shryke Innova
Truth DD
Volt MVP
53 Paradox Axiom
Racer Innova
55 Virus MVP
56 Nomad MVP
TeeBird Innova
58 Jet Streamline
Pathfinder Thought Space
Resistor MVP
61 Pitch Axiom
Raptor Discraft
63 Athena Discraft
Emporer Infinite
65 Corvette Innova
66 Heat Discraft
67 Leopard Innova
Scorch Discraft
68 Ion MVP
Katana Innova
Matrix MVP
Servo MVP
73 Thrasher Discraft
Uplink MVP
75 Dimension MVP
Drive Discraft
Terra MVP
78 Brave Lat 64
Deflector MVP
Vanish Axiom
Zeus Discraft
82 Diamond Lat 64
JuJu Ching
Mystere Innova
Octane MVP
Passion Discraft
Roach Discraft
Savant Innova
Undertaker Discraft
91 A2 Prodigy
Avenger Discraft
Construct Thought Space
FX-4 Prodigy
Hades Discraft
Inertia MVP
Judge DD
Parachute MVP
ROC Innova
TeeBird 3 Innova
Toro Innova